TJC in the News


Jerusalem Post: Meet Taiwan’s ‘hassidishe progressive’ rabbi from Kentucky

Central News Agency: The 18th Buddhist Interfaith Dialogue: Looking Forward to Spiritual Awakening and co-Creating a Sustainable Era (in Chinese)


Global Voices: A peek into Taiwan's small Jewish community: Interview with Rabbi Cody Bahir

Chinese Coverage of Rabbi Cody’s Lecture at the Museum of World Religions 世界宗教博物館:

Liberty Times 自由時報

Commons Daily 民眾日報

Central News Agency 中央通訊社

Pacific Daily News 太平洋新聞

Jerusalem Post: For Jewish teens in Asia, first BBYO convention in Singapore offers a rare sense of community


Points East: Island and Continent: A Story about a Kaifeng Jew and Rabbi Einhorn in Taiwan


Focus Taiwan: Respected Jewish religious leader in Taiwan dies aged 103

Times of Israel: Taiwan’s Small Jewish Community Gears up for a Big Passover Celebration - Sans Masks

The Forward: In Taipei, and Artist gets Ready For Passover using his own Haggadah

Manchester Jewish Telegraph: The largest (legal) Purim Party


Taiwan Business Topics: AmCham Taipei Honors Dr. Einhorn

Kveller: Celebrating Simchat Torah in a Closet in Taipei


Youtube: Tea Break with Taiwan’s only Rabbi


Federal Ministry Republic of Austria: Rabbi of Taiwan is awarded the Grand Decoration of Honour


Jewish Telegraphic Agency: Keeping the Faith in Taiwan

Baltimore Jewish Times: A Taiwanese Shabbat


Taipei Times: Taipei's Jewish community has deep roots. Taiwan has had a small Jewish community since the 1950s. The nation's only rabbi tells of its history and touches on links to the Holocaust